Success Nursery and Primary School
Two years ago, Canan Magezi opened Success Nursery and Primary School. With no desks, no books and only 1 teacher for 230 eager students who were hungry to learn. Alongside him came a team of passionate vision makers who have tirelessly supported, fed, encouraged and loved the children.
Canan, a former sponsor child of Compassion International, Uganda, saw himself in these children as he once walked in their shoes. Having been released from poverty himself, and receiving an education which allowed him to become a teacher and breaking the cycle of poverty for himself and his family. His call from God is now seeing him do the same for the community of Idudi, Uganda.
And so the House of Jairus was born. We are an Australian based team that work in partnership with World Relief Australia. Our project is community-led and aims to bridge the gap of school fees, scholastic materials, teacher wages and even build a playground!
We have a desire and heart to ‘walk with the poor’ and share the same passion and vision as our Ugandan friends. We are working together towards a common goal, breaking the poverty cycle and creating sustainability.
Financial support for Success Nursery and Primary School to pay teachers and for students who can not afford school fees
New land purchase which is suitable for larger school building and crops
School lunches for students coming to learn on an empty stomach
Clean water well to provide school and broader community with safe drinking water and for sanitation